There are several free sites for models, photographers, and designers to meet up for fun shoots. If you’re a cosplayer, finding a decent photographer here can be very easy! Many photographers are looking for something unique to shoot, so you’ll blow them out of the water by having some cool costumes for them to work with. If I want to quickly find TONS of photographers, I use Many modeling sites have similar layouts to what I’m about to walk you through. Here’s how I do it:
Click on ‘Castings’.
Casting Call or Availability Notice. Choosing is up to you, but there are TONS of models available to photographers, and your notice might be lost in the sauce. If you have a specific theme in mind, try going for the Casting Call.
This is where you want to start selling yourself as a good shoot idea .
Here are some details on my mock-up post. I put the most recognizable characters up at the top and added a bit extra information for characters people might not know. Notice how I didn’t use the word ‘cosplay.’ Non-cosplayers might not understand, and photographers might pass you up because they don’t know what cosplay is. Speak to their understanding.
If you’re a bit impatient on the waiting, you can find photographers who have an availability notice up. There might not be many, depending on your location, but it’s worth a shot! Here’s what I pulled up with a quick search. 🙂
Now sit back and wait for messages!
Articles in Finding Photographer series: